Our Board of Directors are dedicated to serving our communities through their oversight, guidance, and support of WEOC.
Together they develop a strategic plan to extend and improve our programs and assure the education and training of our staff so that we may continue to serve the economically disadvantaged and provide them a hand-up.

The Waccamaw EOC Board of Directors is constituted of 12 members, elected officials from various local, state, and regional governmental entities within our tri-county service area.

One-third (1/3) of the total membership of the Board is comprised of public officials or their duly appointed representatives.  Public officials are defined as the elected officials of the County Councils who are currently holding office. The County Council of each county determines which public official, or which appointed representative in lieu of a public official, will serve on the Board.
One-third (1/3) of the total membership of the Board is comprised of democratically elected representatives of the poor. Elected representatives must reside in the geographical area represented buy need not be poor themselves nevertheless having an understanding of the need and challenges of this community.

The remainder of the Board is comprised of officials or members of business, industry, labor, religious, law enforcement, education, or other major groups with interests in the communities served. The private sector of the Board shall not constitute more than one-third (1/3) of its total membership.

Alfred Jean Pierre, Jr.
Board Chairman
Representing the Private Sector
Williamsburg County

Dr. Ernestine Young
Representing the Public Sector
Williamsburg County

Harold Phillips
Representing the Poor
Horry County

Barney Blain
Representing the Poor
Georgetown County

Sarah Keith
Representing the Public Sector
Williamsburg County

Theresa Brooks
Representing the Poor
Williamsburg County

Bill Howard
Representing the Private Sector
Horry County

Catherine Lewis
Representing the Public Sector
Williamsburg County

Trevor Cropp
Representing the Private Sector
Georgetown County

Dr. Michael Roberts
Representing the Public Sector
Horry County